Monday, February 19, 2007

in my news

Harvard University just announced that it has hired Drew Gilpin Faust as its new president! She's the University's first woman president (and, reportedly, the first president in over three hundred years who does not hold a Harvard degree). If she is at good at administration as she is as a historian of American women, then this is great news for Harvard (and, one hopes, for women in the IV league).


Cabiria said...

Oh, yeah. I got all nerdily excited about this. I'd like to take credit -- I actually sent in my alumni response form during their search phase and point blank said they better damn well hire a woman and/or a person of color. OK, I just circled the numbers indicating the high importance of those qualities to me, but I did it very vociferously. And from her work, she strikes me as somebody very empathetic and personal. It's a nice little victory.

Rachel said...

tonight, we defined 'bavarder' in French class. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear well enough to figure out the German word. :)

Dolce Vita said...

There is one side of me that harbors disdain for what happens at Harvard and the rest of those elite school because they are elite. But the other side knows the influence The League has on higher education and the US more broadly. That side is very pleased with Faust's appointment. That side also wants to thank you, Cabiria, for your vote!

Rachel - I would love to know the German equivalent of bavarder!