Saturday, December 9, 2006


The other day I heard a music reviw of Marisa Monte. Her music sounded so good that I just have to share. She sings a Brazilian "tropicalismo" style of music that is just fantastic. (She may not be new to anyone else, but she was to me.)

On the topic of good music I've heard reviewed on NPR, I should also mention Pink Martini - a Portland band with a distinct jazzy style. I guess they play a lot in Portland. I totally missed out when I was living within concert range.

(Can you tell where I get all of my information on the outside world?)


A said...

I liked Pink Martini! :)

Cabiria said...

I just checked out Marisa Monte -- nice sound! And I like Pink Martini too. They play in Eugene sometimes as well.

Rachel said...

NPR rocks!!!