To the weather gods: You have demonstrated your infinite command of the wind, rain, and snow. I never doubted your power. Those snide comments questioning the reach of the "lake effect" were made by the uninitiated. The snow has been nice but 15 to 25 degrees
below zero is too much. I acknowledge your control and my powerlessness in these matters. And I fomally offer my appeal for an end to the wind chill and a return to the balmy weather of freezing temperatures.
If you weather gods see fit to moderate the wind (and perhaps move in a tropical front), I will remove the heavy curtains from the poor-excuse for windows. And I will take S outside for sledding and snow angels. I will even take her back to school (which you well-know closed because of your tricks). This will allow me to appreciate the improved weather as I walk to the library for my temporarily-suspended visits with the microfilm machine.
Such a bargain can be had for a mere 30 degrees.